Mom sez I iz not allowed on da new puter....she ez dat is only for her. I call foul, no fair, I don't fink I like this. I want the new puter!!!!! Mom iz getting cranky because she had overtime this morning and iz really tired now, but she iz staying up to get the new puter up and running...I not getting my required loving as this thing is taking up all her time and I no likey....not at all!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Monday, February 6, 2012
Brian packed my work bag for me and hours after getting to work and finally having a second to actually look in my bag rather than just pulling stuff out of it this is what I found....some times he makes me cry, tonight was one if those times. I cried, at work, like a big ol' baby.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 1:51 AM 0 PAWments
Sunday, February 5, 2012
So momma has been working all these days straight and hasn't had a day off in like forever....momma come back to me I will gladly take less treats for more momma time.....come home! I misses my momma, she is da greatest momma and I want her home wif us. Daddy is good, he no take overtime so we get to spend lots of time wif him, and we loved dat, but we like having momma home too. I iz a proud puppah and I can say dis wif my head held high....I MISS MY MOMMY!!!!
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:32 AM 1 PAWments
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Some good news
Momma and daddy finally got some good news, the refinancing finally came through....its only been 7 months in waiting but mom says this is huge and a huge weight off her shoulders, momma was actually in a good mood this afternoon, that is until she remembered she had to work overtime tomorrow during the day, her sleeping time.....she is so not happy about this, momma loves her sleep.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 1:52 AM 1 PAWments
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Mom enough with da camera already...we are trying to nap on a cold snow afternoon..... put the camera down, walk away.....
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:51 PM 0 PAWments
Weekend off
Mom has the weekend off and is allowing me to use her xoomie to post some pictures she took of me and how easy it was to edit them on the xoomie.... have I mentioned I love this thingy... so cool and fun and functional for a pup like me.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 11:32 AM 0 PAWments
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Mommy's Motorola Xoom got the new ice cream sandwich 4.0 OS tonight so far she really really likes it however as all things go it will take time to see the advantages and disadvantages to the new system, so far no issues, and the auto correct or spell check is doing a fine job of not embarrassing me....yet!
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 12:36 AM 0 PAWments
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Mom and daddy both had to go back to work today, so I iz da man of da house, I iz on patrol. Mom saz I iz a very good patrol officer but Boo is better, she barks at everything, I only bark if dey get too close to da house, Boo barks if dey can be seen. Mom likes dat Boo iz like dis because she never has to worry about someone coming in the house without proper invitation. I will bark and advise of the situation to mom….dad iz not as happy wif dis plan, he like quiet time morning noon and night, but he does like the protection factor if he is not home, its him being home he does not like all da barking. I tell him I iz practicing. Daddy decided to not take da day position at da prison, so he will remain on his 3x11 shift which really makes mommy happy, she likes having da mornings together to hang out and spend time together. I like it too…I can cuddle wif dem till daddy goes to work den I get mom all to myself and we get to snuggle for hours till she leaves for work. Mom says dey has plans coming up dis week and we are going to be let on our own for a couple of hours, they never go anywhere so dis is huge, finally dey are getting out and having some fun, I don’t know exactly what they are going to be doing but, mom seems excited about it. Mom got her hair done today I told her she looks snazzy, dad said she looked girly…and wants to retire her elastic….no more ponytails except when she is running, mom hair was always up, who knew it was this long….I can chew it now it is so long,hehehee.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 12:51 AM 1 PAWments
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Mom and dad are having fun ....without me
Mom and daddy are out and about having fun and I am never invited. They spend a lot of time at the gym, mom takes like 5/6 bike classes a week, something about having a big butt and the need to make it smaller. Dad says he goes to get big muscles, but mom says the only muscle he is working is his jaw because he talks to everyone in the gym, mom calls him a social butterfly, he knows everyone. They are even spending time with the doggie walker, she was supposed to be ours not hers, oy....le sigh si bark. I guess I'm going to have ti step up my game and request more attention and treats. Oh and speaking of has put her foot down on the whole going out 3 times and getting 3 treats now mom says we get one treat when we go out, if we do not finish and require subsequent trips outside we are no longer getting more treats ....her new motto is one and done whether we are done or not. I don't think this is fair, I has tried protesting but so far she is holding her ground something about the whole treat budget was getting to be more than the national debt....I don't think so, momma.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 12:25 AM 1 PAWments
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Mom iz back on her regular work schedule (midnights)and we are back to sleeping at night wif daddy and all day long wif mommy, I love this schedule…ahh the naps are good for me, however they do nuffin for Boo’s wonderful glowing disposition, lol. Sandy went to the groomers and I must admit she looks PAWsome, she is so cute all trimmed up, no more troll doll for her….the hair on her head gets out of control and looks like a troll doll head….haha, mom sayz dat not nice but I say…I iz a trooff speaking puppah, deal woman…..ok I don’t really say dat because you know she is da momma wif da treats and I do like my treats, so I haz a wonderful mommy.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 3:34 AM 1 PAWments
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year to all my Anipals…..I hope 2012 is a great year for you and your families. We are going to be having a few changes coming up in the new year, mom is staying on midnights and we are hoping daddy is going to the day shift, meaning we would get to sleep in with mommy in the morning and then daddy would be moment share the night time fun wif us. We love dat dey work opposite schedules so dat we are never alone for long periods of time. Mom promises we will get to see our Auntie Deanna more this year as dey want to take off for some staycations, so dat means we get to see our favorite dog walker more and more dis year. Mom and daddy are going back to Florida dis year for another football game and dey are hoping to catch up wif my momma Tracy and moms nephew and great nephew JP and Zack….Dey have a few other sporting event covered and a concert dat mom is dragging daddy to and believe me it will be dragging kicking and screaming because it is a country concert and dad would rather gouge his eyes out than have to listen to that ear bleeding music. So in closing I hope nothing but happiness and blessings for all my anipals and families for 2012…now let’s get this year going….mom…I need to see the calendar…I have some events of my own to schedule…thank you.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:17 AM 0 PAWments
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Mom is back to work
Momma is back to working her midnight shift for the next 3 nights which means I don't have to share da bed wif her and daddy and Boo Boo. It was getting crowded in der. What mom is off again for 10 more nights, oh no I do not like this, not one bit....oh hells to the no!
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:11 AM 1 PAWments
Thursday, December 8, 2011
gramma's surgery
Mom and daddy are off to keep papa company today while mom's mom my grammy has shoulder says papa is really grumpy and not in a good mood at all, which causes everyone even more stress....oh joy. Mom is hanging out and hoping all goes well and grammy gets to go home this weekend. I on da otter hand is hanging wif da Boo Boo who is really not enjoying the construction going on next door, we are hopeful this is the last 2 days of dis noise and shaking....i mean it has to stop sometime right? I iz all done wif da shaka shaka head is bobbling.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 10:10 AM 1 PAWments
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Hello, sorry I haz been missing lately, mom haz been keeping me busy wif all da construction going on next door. She likes to have me engage in play wif Annabelle to keep her from chewing off the rest of her paw pad. She is noy handling the construction well at all, Sandy has been great through it all. Mom has been spending lots of cuddle time wif da Beans, she is loving it and she really liked her birthday presents, she got a new chewie and a new blanket for her loveseat, she is spoiled and she knows it. I fink dat it is ok dat she is spoiled, mom and daddy just love her to pieces. Hopefully da construction will be complete this week and Boo will finally settle down into her happy little world again. Mom is working some really crazy overtime this week but afta Friday she is on vacation for 12 days so it is all good in da hood as she puts it. Oh and my gremmie (moms mom) is having surgery on Thursday to fix her damaged rotator cuff, dis does not bode well for papa.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 3:10 PM 1 PAWments
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Hello, just a quick note as to some of the fun things mom and dad have planned for the upcoming month….mom is only working 7 whole days this month and daddy has a whole bunch of days off too….meaning I get to have lots of cuddle time if da family…I love days like dat. Mom says there is a special day dis month where we get presents and asked me to write out my Christmas list….hmmm what should I ask for….dddy got da Ipad, so of course I want the Ipup…ya know I iz a bloggie doggie…that would make fings so much easier for me…touch da screen as opposed to the keyboard…hmmm what else is der a pup like me could ask for….I will think about dis some more and get back to yous….
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 1:47 AM 1 PAWments
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
mom ....
Mom iz awesome but she can be down right grouchy too.....she has been in a mood lately and I haz no idea why, I mean I iz trying to behave, no really I am. I may or may not have been getting on moms nerves lately because I kinda turned off da listening switch...I didn't mean to its just mom iz always saying no so I decided to tune her out...I guess dat is not a good Idea seeing as she can reach the treat jar and I can not. She says dat she says no for my own good but come on, everything is no no no. No jumping, no getting tinto da trash, no biting Sandy and no antagonizing Boo...come on whats left for a pup to do? I guess i will haz to listen better or I'm going to be on ICE status, she keeps mentioning da crate....oh no not da crate!!!! I do cuddle and snuggle wif her and give her da look and sometimes it works and some time s I hear...oh no you don't! Sheesh whats a pup to do....oh I know I iz calling Papa and reporting her behavior...Papa will get me freedom, he loves me....haha take that momma..... PAPA........?
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 8:04 AM 1 PAWments
Friday, November 25, 2011
Mom says it's a good thing I'm cute or my batuckiss would have back on a plane to Florida a long time ago....I have her under my spell, my secret is my eyes. She took one look into my eyes and she is forever mine, hahahhahaa. For the record I can really be a handful, but then I look at her and her heart melts....I is a very handsome pup, I just get in to trouble sometimes. Dad says I drive him crazy and blames all da gray hairs on me, I hate to tell him but he was gray long before I moved in....he is as mom calls him..."silver bells" he does not like this nickname at all,hahaha. I try and tell him its better than chrome dome....he has hair and lots of it, but you'd never know because its all gray and he cuts it high and tight to avoid being called silver bells. Did I mention I love him, and I don't always mean, I love to drive him crazy....I tell daddy I give him attention, not cause him tention,hehehe.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 5:26 AM 1 PAWments
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgining to all my furends....we had a nice quiet dinner just our family, mom says she and daddy are going to papa's house on Saturday for da big holidsy feast. They celebrate on Saturday because mom and daddy both always have to work on da holiday. Mom likes this better becuase if they need something the stores are open and no running from house to house or rushing to work. Dinner is more enjoyable dis way, and papa always makes sure we get doggie bags.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 12:15 AM 0 PAWments
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
holy cow
it worked, i can officially post pictures on da xoomie now.....woohoo!
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 12:40 AM 0 PAWments
Testing to see if this works
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 12:36 AM 0 PAWments
super duper days ahead
mom is working tonight, then she is off for 2 days ,den she work on thanksgiving and den she is off for 5 days....super duper days of cuddling ahead for me and my girls. i love when mom is home wif us, we dont get away wif shananigans but we get extra cuddle time. mom is going to help me figure out how to put pictures on my bloggie from da xoomie...i hope so soon because i got some nice pictures to show you....i was modeling good behavior, ha ha ha.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 12:25 AM 0 PAWments
Monday, November 21, 2011
i stole da xoomie
i stole mommy's xoomie and i decided dat i wanted to blog a bit....but i cant fink of anything to say right now....oh i do know one fing dat i like to say a bug shout out to my pal Marley whom i hear is recivering nicely from his more chewing dinosaurs!
Sandy beans went to the groomers and came back naked....dey shaved all her fur/hair off...i told mom she needs to put on a sweater when she goes outside.....however here in new england it has been crazy...yeaterday it was 36° and today it was 68°, mom says fings are crazy in da weather department lately. mom is not complaing tho, she likes having nice temeratures in Novemeber and if fings hold out like they suppised to, Thanksgiving it should be a balmy 60°, dat means mom wont freeze at da football game dad is draggin her to. She wishes sh eas going home ti see her high school play but they are going to see gdads high school play. i is sorry for all da typos.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 2:27 AM 1 PAWments
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
new neighbors
Mom has informed me that a very loud noisy piece of construction equipment will be moving in next door for a few days….they are tearing down the 2 houses next to ours and we are getting a new fence and a parking lot. Now this may not sound all that exciting to you but mom is thrilled to have a new white vinyl fence and 21/2 more feet added to the driveway, this makes things so much easier for mom and dad and will finally end the argument of whose car they are the taking because, they have to take the one at the end of the driveway…in case you didn’t know…mom and dad have the exact same car, same color, same options so I do not get the whole “but I wanna take mine arguemenjt, ahhh “ So there you have it we are getting new neighbors and mom iz happy and we all know, mom being happy iz really all that matters.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:36 AM 1 PAWments
FW: Happy Wednesday
Happy Wednesday everybody….
Mom said I was going on an adventure the otter day…I was so excited I could hardly wait, but I waited as patiently as any lil pup would, kinda. Mom put on my harness and I was ready to go….Daddy opened da door and up I jumped, right into the car, then I was buckled in my seatbelt and away we went. My adventure was beginning…I watched all the trees and houses go by and thought “wow this is great I got some alone time with mom and dad and I no have to share with my sissifures.” I was so excited, I was trying to stick my nose out da window but daddy never put it down far enough for me to do so, I was window blocked, grrr. Finally mom says “ we are here” and Im thinking “oh boy no what”….i should have held on to this thought because before I knew what was happening I was walked inside and greeted by a lot of pups and a kitty, no this and of itself was great it was what I heard next that made me want to high tail it otta der…some really pretty blonde girl said and I quote “ oh Titan it is nice to meet you, I’m just gonna hold your paw and clip your nails” WHAT???? Oh no, I don’t think so, back off Buttercup…no nail clipping for me today, I think I will just walk right out of here, hey wait a minute, when did you slip this thing on my neck and why can’t I move, MOM??? Mom as she is formally known was standing off to the side not offering to rescue me, dad was no help either. I finally surrendered after a lot of vocal protesting and maybe a shiver or two…but she finished and I have nice short nails and you can no longer here me coming down the hall….I’m gonna use this to my advantage WITH THE PERSON FORMALLY CALLED MOM TO SNEAK UP ON HER IN DA NEAR FUTURE. So my big adventure was going to meet Sandy’s groomer and get my nails clipped, I would not call this an adventure at all….I’m gonna surprise mom with an adventure of my own I promise…hehehe.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:28 AM 1 PAWments
Happy Wednesday
Happy Wednesday everybody….Mom said I was going on an adventure the otter day…I was so excited I could hardly wait, but I waited as patiently as any lil pup would, kinda. Mom put on my harness and I was ready to go….Daddy opened da door and up I jumped, right into the car, then I was buckled in my seatbelt and away we went. My adventure was beginning…I watched all the trees and houses go by and thought “wow this is great I got some alone time with mom and dad and I no have to share with my sissifures.” I was so excited, I was trying to stick my nose out da window but daddy never put it down far enough for me to do so, I was window blocked, grrr. Finally mom says “ we are here” and Im thinking “oh boy no what”….i should have held on to this thought because before I knew what was happening I was walked inside and greeted by a lot of pups and a kitty, no this and of itself was great it was what I heard next that made me want to high tail it otta der…some really pretty blonde girl said and I quote “ oh Titan it is nice to meet you, I’m just gonna hold your paw and clip your nails” WHAT???? Oh no, I don’t think so, back off Buttercup…no nail clipping for me today, I think I will just walk right out of here, hey wait a minute, when did you slip this thing on my neck and why can’t I move, MOM??? Mom as she is formally known was standing off to the side not offering to rescue me, dad was no help either. I finally surrendered after a lot of vocal protesting and maybe a shiver or two…but she finished and I have nice short nails and you can no longer here me coming down the hall….I’m gonna use this to my advantage WITH THE PERSON FORMALLY CALLED MOM TO SNEAK UP ON HER IN DA NEAR FUTURE. So my big adventure was going to meet Sandy’s groomer and get my nails clipped, I would not call this an adventure at all….I’m gonna surprise mom with an adventure of my own I promise…hehehe.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:27 AM 0 PAWments
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
My furen marley
My furend Marley da terrier has had a bit of a rough patch lately, we are sending him hugs, paws and prayers from dis side of da pond. Marley we love you and hope you gets better real soon. He has myocardial valve stenonsis…dis I know all about because of my Papa who gotz a new heart, but Marley I also read you chewed a dinosaur, what was you thinking? Please please please stay away from non chewies, now you know dey are bad for you and your heart.
******You can catch up with furends waiting and hanging out on #marleysporch on twitter for updates of how hes doing….da buzz iz he’s kinda famous on da twitter thang,lol….anywhozzles, I just wanted to let my furend Marley know we loves him and are praying for a safe and speedy recovery.
Lola please administer hugs and kisses for us, thank you.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 6:11 AM 1 PAWments
my furend Marley
My furend Marley da terrier has had a bit of a rough patch lately, we are sending him hugs, paws and prayers from dis side of da pond. Marley we love you and hope you gets better real soon. He has myocardial valve stenonsis…dis I know all about because of my Papa who gotz a new heart, but Marley I also read you chewed a dinosaur, what was you thinking? Please please please stay away from non chewies, now you know dey are bad for you and your heart.
******You can catch up with furends waiting and hanging out on #marleysporch on twitter for updates of how hes doing….da buzz iz he’s kinda famous on da twitter thang,lol….anywhozzles, I just wanted to let my furend Marley know we loves him and are praying for a safe and speedy recovery.
Lola please administer hugs and kisses for us, thank you.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:37 AM 0 PAWments
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Mom has come undone
Hehehehe, not really but I thought that title would grab you, and now that I haz your attention….I gotz nuffin new to report sorta. So anyway we are all getting by and getting on here in dis house…not peacefully of course because Boo still does not want to play nice with Sandy but she has her moments, such as…mom found her sleeping outside of Sandy’s door and had her paws under da gate touching Sandys nose…I don’t know why when we take down da gate Boo thinks if ultimate fighting time…we call it UFP when they get into it…Ultimate fighting puppies…daddy calls it UFB as in ….you can figure it out mom just nicely advised me I cannot use that kind of language. Mom has no overtime dis week so we getz her all ourselves, woohoo! Daddy is going to take his overtime tomorrow as in Saturday afternoon and mom mentioned that dey are going to somefin called Applefest at Mt Wachusett tomorrow…I hope I get apple crisp with da crunchy topping, oooh how I love dat chunchy stuff on top, yummy.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 2:28 AM 0 PAWments
Monday, October 10, 2011
where is my mommy?
Are you ever coming home? Dis overtime sucks…I know itz a bad word but you are never home to discipline me so I say it againz…dis sucks! You need to tell da cops you work wif dat if dey want a happy co worker dey NEED to let you come home and play wif your pups, happy pups make a happy mommy…so bite da bullet, no pun intended and get your buns home!
Signed your loving pup,
Titan the Terrorist
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:52 AM 1 PAWments
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
nuffin new
Hi…I did not get lost, mom has been working lots and lots ove overtime and sometimes when she comes home she needs to sleep or she is kinda cranky, daddy says bitchy but I no use dos words. So der iz nuffin new at our house in da past few days just hangin out wif my know Boo and Beans…I love dos 2 but I really wish dey would get along. Dad iz gots a whole week of work ahead of hi but we get mommy all to ourselves on Wed and thur…woohoo. Mom says seeing as da laptop puter broke itz kinda hard fopr her to post pictures but has a few good ones she really needs to get on here so I wills kick her in da buttz to get them up and posted…I haz a public ya knows.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 5:35 AM 205 PAWments
Monday, September 26, 2011
my paw
Mom had to work overtime this weekend and daddy was able to stay home wif us…..I got a boo boo today..I broke my dew claw on my front right paw, It doesn’t hurt and I iz not in any pain but mom was scared dat I had hurt meself, but I iz fine momma…no need to worry about me, I good. Daddy got to hang out wif me and da girls den he went and had a woot-an-nannie of a good time wif his parents. He brough mommy and da otter police officers lasagna, meatballs and rolls…dey loved it.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:28 AM 1 PAWments
Friday, September 23, 2011
Mom sez we get to have a puppy party today because she is home wif us all day…. We iz going to play and go for a walk and just hang out because mom sez dat is all she wants to do wif us today. Daddy iz working dis aftanoon but he said afta sda dentist he is going to take me for a special daddy/son walkie….I wuv des walks. Mom sez we haz no plans for tomorrow either, just hanging wif da family, me mom, dad, Sandy, and Boo Boo…iz gonna be a great weekend. In other news mom iz going to have a lot more long days ahead because she has lots and lots of every time coming up in October but all the time she spends at work iz taking a toll on her happiness, now don’t get me wrong mom loves her job and some of the people she works wif, but the long days away from us is really making some things lonely for mommy…and she is very lucky to have a job with great benefits and has and endless amount of overtime, she knows she should not complain and really she isn’t, she just needs to have enough energy left afta long today to hang wif us pups and maybe have a night out wif daddy and some friends…she needs to make sure she has a life outside of the police station…daddy scared the bageebees out of her last night….he was an hour late getting to mommy because his prison had a major count delay….meaning they thought one of da inmates had escaped, so everyone was locked down till they could get a good count…..finally they did get a good count and daddy was allowed to go home. No calls in or out of da prison, so mom was so scared she was really shaking in her booties. Mom really loves daddy and was truly scared, truly scared that something inside the prison had gone wrong…they are having a lot of riot issues lately, and mom was scared something had happened.Ok dis iz too heavy for one lil ole pup to bear so I iz gonna go and watch for mommy to come home…she should be arriving in 45 minutes….woohoo 45 minutes till da momma gets home…yippee!!!!
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 5:07 AM 1 PAWments
Thursday, September 22, 2011
I just haz to say I haz da bestest ever family,
dey treat me
and my sissifurs better
dan most human children…
we are so loved
and well cared for itz unbelievable.
I just had to let everyone know dis….
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 5:37 AM 1 PAWments
Weekend plans
Good Morning, as it is very early that I iz pawing dis out….2:28am to be exact. Mom iz working and I iz on patrol and all iz quiet so I have nothing to report on that respect….Boo still haz yucky ear infections, and Sandy Beans iz her own lovable self. Daddy iz finally back at work, moms words not mine I love having daddy home but mom was so ready for him to be back at work because she really needed to get some sleep. Oh mom tried a new solution to her sleep issues today…she tried Dream Water and ya know what it worked, mom finally got some really good sleep. She slept for about 4 hours then woke up and played wif me for about 10 minutes then laid back down and went right back to sleep, this is huge as mom never falls back to sleep ever!.
Daddy says we iz going to have a whole day wif mommy on Saturday because he iz working overtime and mom haz da whole day off to play and play, daddy even said we could all go for a walk, I fink I iz going to the dog park…I really hope Boo can go too, but I think we might be taking sandy instead. Mom iz working her overtime on Sunday so we get daddy all to ourselves on Sunday, I fink dis iz gonna be a great weekend.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 3:19 AM 1 PAWments
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Mommy had the really nice dog sitter come back and walk us while they went to Boston to see da Red Sox place baseball…they did not fare well, the Red Sox lost, but mommy and daddy had a great time none the less. The pup sitter was so nice she came and walked us then she came back and fed us our dinner all the while telling mommy and daddy to enjoy their night out and not to rush home because we were well cared for and having fun wif da sitter..she iz so nice and oh I can get her to give me lots of treats but I fink she likes Sandy Beans da bestest out of all of us….I haz no idea why, I mean I am gorgeous and energetic, and Boo iz cuddly and loving , but der is sumfin about dat Sandy Beans dat everyone just falls in love wif… I fink everyone falls for her platinum hair…she is gorgeous, loving, cuddly and fun to just hang wif…I still fink I iz da bestest but whatever….grrr.
So der you haz my weekend….oh I forgot to mention Saturday mom and dad went out to a quick lunch wif a screw daddy works wif and his wife…its funny because mom and Tony’s wife haz da same name…MONIQUE, mom found dis very weird, anywhoo….as I said they went for a quick lunch and returned home 5 hours later…5hours!!! Not a very quick lunch if you ask me, but seeing as no one did I guess I really can’t complain, and I did get a walk, fresh water and food before they left so itz not all bad.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 5:32 AM 1 PAWments
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Wicked Wild Women Weekend 2012
Mom haz just informed me dat she iz going on a Las Vegas “Girls Only Weekend” dis means one fing….par-tay wif daddy..woof woof woot woot….party in da house, I can tell you right now, mom will have a great time but it will be Sandy with the lampshade on her head here at dis party spot. Boo Boo will be da official greeter, if she no like you, then you are not coming to her party, and daddy, well he is going to love having all us pups to himself…insert sarcasm here, here and here….daddy loves us but we really do try his patience…a lot! Mom will come home and I can guarantee daddy will leave da house screaming for 5 minutes alone, no pups, no mom, no walking of pups and no barking…oh I can see disaster written all over dis…mom will live it up and daddy will try and survive da weekend. Did I mention mom iz going wif her BFF’s Tracy momma and da cookie fairy…no these are really peeps, although they sound mystical.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 5:00 AM 1 PAWments
Friday, September 16, 2011
Sgt daddy
I wanted to take a quick minute to officially say dat I iz so very proud of me daddy, err I mean SARGEANT daddy as he iz now known at da prison….yup daddy officially made rank and iz now a sergeant…I iz a proud puppy.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 11:55 PM 1 PAWments
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Mommy sez I get to write a new post for my bloggie…hmmm what shall I write about? I could tell you that Boo Boo iz eating all her food and leaving none in da bowl, dis iz huge because she never wanted to finish her food before and mommy was scared she wasn’t getting enough food. I could tell you dat mommy and daddy seem to think this weekend would be the perfect time to try and reintegrate Sandy and Boo, so they are going to take them to a park to try and get to know each other again. (I really hope this works) I iz top dog in our house but please do not tell Boo this as she really thinks she is alpha dog….I don’t fink so. I iz really happy to have mom and dad home from der vacation, all iz right wif da world again. Dey keep saying dat dey are going back next year for another game, but itz a whole year away so I won’t worry about it just yet. Mom is not as thrilled as daddy iz to be going to the Red Sox game on Sunday…she would rather have a day off to spend at home wif us, but daddy says dey really need to try and get out more as they never do. Daddy says dey are home bodies and need to get a life outside the house, mom really like just being home wif us. Dad finks dey should explore da world around dem, I can help wif dat I know what channel da travel channel is, does dis help?
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 2:08 AM 1 PAWments
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Gator nation
So mommy and daddy decided to finally come home from Florida, and I got a really nice new collar and leash set, daddy says I iz a Gator Dog now…well what was I before? I guess I am now officially a member of Gator Nation. We had a great time with Deana our pup sitter, but it is nice to have mom and daddy home, and daddy is home all week because he is on vacation, mom iz working and I mean working a lot of overtime this week, like long 12 hour days…..did I mention I get to see my new BFF on Sunday because mom and daddy think they need to go see a Red Sox game in Boston, haven’t they done enough traveling? I know I know this game was planned way back in April so I guess I cannot complain, besides Deanna iz coming to play wif me, woohoo!!
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 2:38 AM 1 PAWments
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
I sent that letter off to my new dog walker...her reply was....we are going to PAR-TAY while mom and dad are away. I like the par-tay part but I know she is going to try and get in some exercise too. She seems kinda cool and I like her ideas to occupy our time while mom and dad are away, she is hoping to lessen our anxiety, I like her bunches....but no telling her, I have a reputation to uphold ya know.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 10:02 AM 0 PAWments
Monday, September 5, 2011
Dis is a letter to my new doggie sitter/walker…Deanna.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 12:20 PM 1 PAWments
Friday, September 2, 2011
I haz been gone far to long....
OMDoggieness, I haz been gone from my bloggie far to long, but I comes back on a happy note....Papa had his annual heart transplant check up and he is good to go, NO REJECTION at all, he is healthy as a dey say.
Nuffing really big going on here except we got a puppy sitter because mom's mommy papa's wife fell down da stairs and broke a lot of bones so she is laid up for awhile and mom iz taking daddy on his very special burfday trip next week to Florida, so we got a new pupsitter...she is very nice and we all like her.
Mom is not excited to be going away, she no like flying and she really don't like football, dad is in for fun times. I will try and keep you updated but I may have to change da language a bit, mom can use some non puppy approved words.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 1:47 AM 1 PAWments
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Papa Paul's birthday
Dis is da lobster roll dat Daddy will be chomping on tonight at my Papas birthday dinner...and then he and mom will be sharing dis....
Dis is my Papa (mom's daddy) and des people are da reason we get to celebrate today....Debra Robinson, Rod Short (James' parents) and James Short (dads heart donor) James is pictured in left corner.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 12:11 PM 0 PAWments
Monday, July 18, 2011
Mom is gonna get fired if....
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 10:56 AM 0 PAWments
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Where have i been well for dat you have to consult my momma....I feel bad for her she has been very sick lately and its all our fault, da pups fault.
See mom took us out to play nad normally we stay on leash but mom had a great idea to let us run off leash in da yard...we had such a good time, and we got to explore parts of da yard dat we never get to go was wonderful and mom and daddy loved watching us play and run and really have a great time while getting in good exercise.....that was until we came in and all took naps, daddy went to work and mom cuddled with us for hours. When we got up hours later mom had a pain behind her knee...she thought nothing of it, just getting old or it was the way she was sitting so she ignored it for a few more hours.....when mom finally decided to look and see why she was having so much pain she noticed a tick embedded in her leg, she pulled it out but after so many hours the damage was took a picture of the spot over th3e next few hours and went to the doctor a few days was confirmed ...deer tick and it carried Lyme was infected. Mom took her medication as prescribed and it made he sick..beyond sick, she was vomiting 2x a day after taking the was miserable. Mom says she took one for the team but is glad it is her who contracted the disease instead of one of us, she is a trooper, we love her. So dat is da story of where I has been....taking care of mom.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 1:35 AM 1 PAWments
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
Whisker Walk 2011
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 5:29 AM 2 PAWments
Saturday, June 4, 2011
I haz not chewed or gotten into any trouble while I haz been allowed to run free in da house. Mom and daddy are so happy dat I haz grown up enough to be left alone in da house...I'M FREE!!!!!!!!
Oh in exciting news I iz going to the Whisker Walk tomorrow and I iz gonna get Blessed at da Blessing of da dogs...I iz so excited it iz my very first outing like dis...kinda like a picnik in da park wif lots of doggies...I hope I make lots of friends.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 11:24 PM 0 PAWments
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Mom and daddy left me out in da house today to run free while they went to the gym...I did great, no chewing or destroying anyfing...I was such a good boy, mommy said I made her proud and dat I reminded her of Riley when I came running down the hall to greet her when she came home. Mommy left me alone again tonight and again I did great, daddy loved me greeting him at da door when he got home, said it was da first time in a long time he wanted to come fru da door...Riley used to greet dem and since July he has not so, I fink now I gonna be allowed to run free and be da DOGFFICIAL welcome HOME DOGGIE. BTW...I had to push Boo out of da way to get to dem first, sheesh she finks she runs dis joint, I fink...not so much, ders a new Sheriff in Town, move over Buttercup Titan is on duty and ready for action.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 1:23 AM 0 PAWments
Saturday, May 21, 2011
What is today?

barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 2:00 PM 1 PAWments
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Big Papi's Grille
Dis is where mom and dad went today while I was left in da crate....grrr
Mommy made lots of new furends and met a celebrapuppy....@Freshotis
she also got to meet the typists for ....
and now here are the typists....
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 12:28 AM 0 PAWments
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Is it May yet.....?
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:17 AM 0 PAWments
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Before I forget
Annabelle is having a birthday.....Boo Bear is turning 7 yrs old on 4/18/2011
She is a wonderful albeit "pain in da batoockus" sister, I woof her lots.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 3:57 AM 1 PAWments
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
hello, sorry i haz been missing but mom is busy and she isn't always available when I I haz to work on her schedule, which I don't like cause she is never available. What does she haz like a job or somefing, nuffin is more important dan my bloggie, but she no listen. Anyway...I need to send a big shout out and Happy Birthday to my doggy daddy Rocky...
he turned da big 3!! Woot Woot Happy Birthday daddy Rocky!!!!
Dis is my doggy daddy....don't we look alike? I fink so, he is HANDSOME!!!!
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 3:32 AM 0 PAWments
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Annabelle's Portrait....
this is Riley's.....
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 3:04 AM 0 PAWments
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Boo update
Boo's paw look pawfect, she is doing a great job of keeping it clean and it is healing is very happy about dis.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 10:26 AM 1 PAWments
Saturday, April 2, 2011
I may or may not have ANNOYED daddy all day while mom got in some much needed and well deserved sleep. Daddy had the day off...and it was a good day to have off too...why????

Mom slept because her ankle was bothering her and she had to work the nioght before and last night....but she is on her days off now so I can drag her out into da snow...yes drag her...cause she no move to quick on dat busted ankle of hers...daddy calls her his gimpy girl....I can't write what mom calls daddy, BOL.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:43 AM 1 PAWments
Thursday, March 31, 2011
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:50 AM 2 PAWments
Monday...Not a fun day
Mom and daddy volunteer their time every Monday to the local school and serve lunch to the elementary students.....
This Monday started off as any other Monday..then came the stairs.....dun dun dun...
Mom slipped on sand and hurted her ankle really bad. She can't drive or put weight on it for 2 weeks and cannot run for 6 weeks, dis does not make for a happy mommy at all...she is miserable and pissed...umm I mean very angry. Dad was not pleased to see mommy sitting on da ground and knew when she didn't get up it was bad....da nurse at da ER took off moms shoe and said " oh, that doesn't look good at all, lets get you right to
x-ray" Mom knew things were going down hill fast at the comment. Mom HATES her crutches, she despises dem. Thankfully I iz giving her lots of snuggles to make her feel better, she really like dat, specially when my thumping tail lands on her ankle...she really loves dat...not so much!
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:49 AM 1 PAWments
Sunday, March 27, 2011
mom has way too much time on her hands.....
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 3:07 AM 1 PAWments