Friday, November 25, 2011


Mom says it's a good thing I'm cute or my batuckiss would have back on a plane to Florida a long time ago....I have her under my spell, my secret is my eyes. She took one look into my eyes and she is forever mine, hahahhahaa. For the record I can really be a handful, but then I look at her and her heart melts....I is a very handsome pup, I just get in to trouble sometimes. Dad says I drive him crazy and blames all da gray hairs on me, I hate to tell him but he was gray long before I moved in....he is as mom calls him..."silver bells" he does not like this nickname at all,hahaha. I try and tell him its better than chrome dome....he has hair and lots of it, but you'd never know because its all gray and he cuts it high and tight to avoid being called silver bells. Did I mention I love him, and I don't always mean, I love to drive him crazy....I tell daddy I give him attention, not cause him tention,hehehe.

1 PAWments:

marley said...

I haz read this all several times my pal and I see no problems in your behavious and fink that mum an dad do be overreactin to whatever it is you are (not) doin...