There seems to have been a mix up with who my new brudder was. We first saw a brindle puppy we fell in love with, then we were told he was a she,so we chose a different one, who we also fell in love with. We later just 2 days ago learned.there had been a mistake and the brindle was a boy, he was and is our Titan, whom we have loved since day one. We are over the moon to call him ours, we can't wait to take home....we love you Titan Tagliavia.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 1:07 PM 1 PAWments
Friday, May 29, 2009
nervous! heart failure team just in says we R real close, keep cells on & close by, transplant very soon hoping 4 this weekend.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 10:20 AM 2 PAWments
not mommy
My mommy is sad and anxious lately. Her daddy desperately needs a new heart and the waiting is driving her crazy. She feels all alone in this journey, she has daddy but it’s just not the same. She refuses to miss a day to visit even though it is costing her a fortune. She is getting behind on a few bills and I know that is weighing on her too, but she says Papa is irreplaceable and material things she can get again, even if it is her house. I write this not for sympathy for my mommy, she is strong and tough but because I want her to know she really is not alone. I have always been there for her though good times and bad…we will get through this no matter what the outcome. I love you mommy!!!!***
***not written by mommy (daddy helped)
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:42 AM 4 PAWments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
my day
Let me tell you how I spent my Memorial started off great snuggling in bed wif momma and daddy, this is a very rare occasion because mommy works midnights and she was not working, so we got to have her all to ourselves. Although daddy did try and send mommy to work, he likes having the whole bed to himself, oh and us puppies too. He is always trying to send mommy to work on her nights off, I don't get it, snuggling is good. Anyways where was I, oh yeah, we were snuggling in bed and mom decides she will take us outside and give the grouchy daddy the morning off of outside duty, ha ha I make a funny duty and we are going outside for ...duty, get it ha ha ha. Okay where was I again, oh that's right we went outside and came in and had a special treat. We got to have berryblue muffins for breakfast, yummy. After our wonderful breakfast we returned to bed for more lovings from mom and dad, then dad decided it was time to get up and get on with the day. He took us out again, and they left! They left, that's it just a quick good bye and they were gone. Momma did mentioned something about not being gone long, and having to visit Papa. So this is where the fun begins.....Annabelle is asleep on the couch, I walk over, climb on the couch and sit down right on top of her, I figure she will move right? Wrong! She stays where she is, so now I have to move because she is way to lumpy. I move over to the love seat and take a nap, only to woken up to Annabelle howling, hey sister, who does that in the middle of the day, shut up!!!! She does not listen, this goes on forever, really it was maybe 1 minute but dude I'm old, I almost 10, I need my sleep, come on now. Finally she is quiet and I go back to sleep. Sleep, what the ???? Those are my ears, you can not, I repeat you can not have them. She was tugging on my ears, apparently I was in her spot, because as soon as I get off the love seat she climbs up and lays down. Whatever, I will go lay on the big bed, the one wif all them pillows. On my way I decide I might as well get a drink to go, I head off to the spare room where mom keeps the water, ahhh ohhh, hey get out of here, she is butting into my water time and space. I tell her that she needs to share, and she looks at me like I have 3 heads, and continues to drink...I wait patiently the good boy that I am, I get to the bowl and it is empty. That's ok, I was done drinking anyways. I jump on the bed and get as comfortable as I can and she jumps up and decides it is the perfect spot and time to chew a Nyla bone...cripes am I ever going to get peace from her? She is done chewing after a few minutes and goes to sleep, ahh the tranquility of sleep. Car??? Is that my moms car in the driveway? I run to inspect, yippy it is mommy and daddy. They are home from who knows where doing god knows what. Mommy has something in her hand, is it food? Can I have it? I wait and wiggle; you know the Boxer wiggle where my butt literally meets my head, I look like a kidney bean....they were home and brought CHICKEN! I love chicken. Mommy gave us each some in our dishes, they walked us and again we all snuggled into bed, but not before daddy asked mommy if she wouldn't rather go to work, she said no and hugged me close and off to sleep we went....daddy says it was the worst nights sleep ever cause mommy was in bed, hee hee.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 1:06 AM 1 PAWments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
So I kinda told daddy we were getting a new puppy, whether he wanted one or not. He took one look at his face and said oh that's my new baby boy? He was hooked the moment he set eyes on him, mommy knew he would be. So we wait to welcome Titan into our family, how we are getting him home, we have no idea, but we will figure something out.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 1:27 AM 2 PAWments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Chase gave me this pawsome award!
Thank you so much buddy!
Here are the rules:
1. Post it to the blog and link to who gave it to you;
2. List seven things you love;
3. List seven blogs you love;
4. Comment on those blogs and let them know you've given them the award.
So here are my seven bloggies I chose for this award:
1) Chace
2) Lainey
3) Bruschi
4) Lily
5) Rufus
6) Indie
7) Alice
8) Rockum Sockum (I cheat had to add him, he's my pups daddy)
And here are the seven things I love:
1) Giving kisses.
2) Annoying my sister Annabelle
3)Pizza...oh I love Pizza
4) Cuddling wif momma
5) Sleeping in da BIG bed
6) Snuggling.
7) Slobbering all over daddy
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 11:17 PM 3 PAWments
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I gots news......
It's a BOY!!!!! His name is Titan....mommy convinced daddy we need another puppy in the house, and we have picked him out. As of today he is a whole 3 days old. I can't wait to get him home, I know it is going to be 8 weeks till I get him but, woohoo!!!!
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 1:49 AM 5 PAWments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Hi ya
Hello, I knows I supposed to write about adventures here but I just hafta tell ya about my Papa...he is doing great, his whole attitude change when he heard he was officially listed for transplant, his blood pressure went down, his NVO2 numbers went down and his sarcasm came back...dat is a very good sign wif papa...I so happy dat mommy is happy again, she was very sad finking she gonna lose her daddy.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:24 AM 2 PAWments
Friday, May 22, 2009
Extra Extra....Read all about it!!!!
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 12:23 AM 2 PAWments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I got mail!!!!!!
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 11:56 PM 1 PAWments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Mommy was not very happy that I woke her up today. Daddy took us out before he left for work at 2pm, and I managed to drink a whole bowl of water by myself and well, I had to goooooo. I went in to try and tell mommy but she was sleeping, mommy came home from working all night and visiting with papa, so she was tired, she fell asleep around 2pm, about the same time daddy left for at 6 pm she really did not want to have to get up to take me outside. She grumbled and groaned and finally managed to get hers eyes open and took me out...AHHHHHH. She then took me in gave me a treat and said not to bother her for another 2 hours, see that's when she would be getting up to go to work,.... ahhh how was I to know she had to work tonight, it is her scheduled night off, I didn't know she had overtime?
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 2:27 AM 1 PAWments
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
My ears!!!!
Annabelle is my sister as I have mentioned before, but have I mentioned her obsession with my ears? She won't leave them alone. She bites them, she chews on them, and if I am not moving fast enough for her she pulls them with her teeth, what is up with that? They are mine, I know they are big and floppy, but leave them alone!!!!! Go chew on a bone!!!!
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 5:14 AM 1 PAWments
I need more time before I know it the night is gone and I have twittered it away....I have to post adventures but I am addicted to twittering ...I actually call it "twoofering".
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:54 AM 0 PAWments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Cookie Fairy
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 1:53 AM 2 PAWments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
sad day
My daddy got some sad news today, his uncle Jimmy died in his sleep last night, he was just 45 years old. We don't know what happened, mommy thinks it was a heart attack. He was an organ donor so many people will benefit from his death, this is the bright side of things, for now we wait for answers.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 11:42 PM 2 PAWments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I got an award...
The post below is a quick copy and paste cause I was in a hurry, but now I have a minute to say a very heartfelt Thank you so very much for my award, I love it and I feel so special. I never got one before so this really is something, oh I feel the love....ok I getting ahead of myself, but I really want to say thank you.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 3:06 AM 0 PAWments
Monday, May 11, 2009

OH LOOK!!! I received this lovely blog award from Lainey!! ( Its My FIRST award!! Thanks sooo much :O) My mommy has none, i got one before her I feel so special...hee hee(I fink I will pass on to mommy so she feels good)
- Bark Business
- Beans Blog
- Bloggy Paws
- Chase The Puggle
- Confessions of a Soap Obses...
- Don't live the "sheltered l...
- Fairmount Dog Stories
- Flying Dog Away!
- It doesn't get any better t...
- Lainey's Pawtique &...
- Living Life
- Lookin' Fur Love with Scoob...
- my lily
- The Art of Random Willy-Nil...
- TRAVIS: A Dog Like No Other
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 10:08 PM 1 PAWments
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:49 AM 1 PAWments
Tweet Grid
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:24 AM 0 PAWments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mommy's Day
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 5:00 AM 2 PAWments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Ohhh the belly
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 11:39 PM 3 PAWments
I tells you a secret...shhh my mommy sleeps wif the TV on and I love it!!! Daddy hates it, so when mommy is home on her 2 nights off, I get to be lulled to sleep by the TV. Also it is good cover for stealing the Blackberry and tweeting...they can't hear the buttons if the TV is on, hee hee. I love to tweet on twitter, I on most nights from 11pm-6am est...I love the furry friends I meet, so if you are up stop by and say hi @Ri_guy hope to hear from you....
On a side note about the TV....daddy says he can't sleep wif it on but that is a LIE!!!!! He can too, I hear him snore. Mommy says he is being a baby about having the TV on because she says he sleeps all the time when they visit Papa and his TV is on, and daddy snoring. Also mommy says daddy sleeps in the car to and from Boston everyday and guess what; the radio is on, so daddy you a liar. You need to suck it up and let us have the TV on, you know it really doesn't bother you, you just giving mommy a hard time, now STOP IT!!! Mommy works hard and deserves to be able to sleep in a noisy bedroom if she chooses apparently you get to sleep during the day too.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 3:50 AM 1 PAWments
Friday, May 8, 2009
new stuff...
Mommy made new friends and now is taking on a new adventure herself...she is making bags puppy themed, for doggie mommies...if interested comment and let her know...
Teachers Totes..Canvas totes...Dimensions: 14 1/2"wide x 16"high x 4" deep with a 21" handle and includes a front pocket for smaller items
Gift Totes ...100% Cotton Canvas Mini Gift Tote Bag 4 x 8 x 4 gusset
All have ribbon for personalization, can embroider, and silk screen if wanted...let us know. Price will depend on bag and work...way cheaper than most places advertise I promise and hand finished.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 11:11 PM 0 PAWments

barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 3:54 AM 2 PAWments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:49 AM 2 PAWments
Story time
So I will tell you how I came to live wif mommy....
On day mommy was working at the boo boo wagon place..she calls it the ambulance company where she fixed up all the sick people, I just call it the boo boo place, anyways...she was hungry and decided to ask Boris the dispatcher if he was hungry too, she would take the boo boo wagon to get dinner, lucky for me he said yes, because that way mommy had to go back up and deliver his food...this is the part where it starts to get good...mommy goes and gets the food, they had pizza by the way, and she brings it up to them and they eat in the dispatch room which is usually off limits to the paramedics but it was after hours and mommy was always one to brake rules, but I digress...she was eating dinner when she mentioned she was looking to get a puppy. Boris asked what kind she was interested in, she told him, a Boxer and he just looked at her dumb founded...he said..I have a 4 month old Boxer who needs a home because I don't have the space or time for him are you interested? Mommy jumped at the chance...she said yes and it was all set I was going to go home with mommy the very next day, woot woot. Mommy went home and got the house ready for me...meaning she panicked , a puppy tomorrow, OMG what did I get my self into she asked, but she came into work and picked me up anyway not knowing what was ahead...we drove home together, it was along drive 45 minutes to be exact. Once home I was set to explore my new surroundings...first I noticed I had a huge back yard to play in and it was fenced in, woohoo...then I noticed Zeus, the black lab who lived next door..another woohoo. Mommy let me run for awhile and then it was time for bed, so I did what any Boxer would do...I crawled into bed with mommy and I have been there ever since. I loved my new home from the moment I arrived...I am a lucky puppy to have found such a good home.Mommy loves me unconditionally even when I am not always on my best behavior, but most of the time I am good. She takes really good care of me, but the best thing she did for me was get me a new sister, her name was Lily. More on Lily in the next story.....stay tuned...
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 1:43 AM 2 PAWments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
I has a new friend her name is Spider Monkey and she will be appearing in future posts....
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 11:40 PM 1 PAWments
My daddy wuvs to leave his Blackberry laying around at night usually it is on his pillow charging but I can't resist, I just got to have the Crackberry, I just gotta. I love to go on Twitter and tweet in the middle of the night, that is when all my furbuddies are on. We plan pawpawties and sometimes we share a barkarita or a good! Annabelle usually sleeps through the whole process, she is such a pawpawty pooper sometimes, she tells me she needs her beauty sleep. No really she just needs sleep or she is one grumpy puppy, go ahead and ask mommy she will tell you. So there you have the story of my Crackberry addiction, oh glad I got that off my chest, BAROOOO! I will write more stories later tonight I have a million of them....woof...
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 10:02 PM 0 PAWments
I ams on twitter and I wuvs it so much...I gets to talk to all of my furry friends whenever mommy weaves the Blackberry for a minute, which doesn't happin offen...But sometimes I get to it furst and post a tweet or two...I wuv all the replies I get, some are funnys and some are entertaining like the pawpawty I's know where to go for a nice barkiria or two...
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 5:05 AM 0 PAWments
Hello, My name is Riley the Boxer...I will write about all my adventures here, sometimes they will include my sister Annabelle, but not always as this is about me!!!
So stay tuned for the first adventure coming soon....
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 4:58 AM 0 PAWments