Sorry to be a scrooge this year, Christmas cards are late and nothing is done and yes I know it is Christmas Eve but mom has been in a funk this year and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. See this is the first Christmas without her baby Riley and she is not taking it very well. Riley used to get up on Christmas morning and give her kisses and she would take him for a walk and they would have mommy/Riley was their tradition then they would come in and get all the presents out for the other pups. Mom has lost her buddy and she is lonely. So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year....the cards are in the mail.....
Friday, December 24, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
I know I haz not been around but mom was on vacation and I did my best to annoy her, I mean occupy her time. We have had mom and daddy home all week and its been great, daddy really loves being home with us 24/ really. Yeah not so much sez mom, we really keep him on his toes, literally we iz always barking to go outside and daddy just loves it, NOT!!!!!
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 9:29 PM 0 PAWments
Friday, December 17, 2010
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 6:36 PM 0 PAWments
Monday, December 6, 2010
mom iz on vacation for the first 18 days of the month...and we are making sure she getz nothing done. Boo ripped open her paw pad and is on her medicine dat makes her have to go pee every hour, and I decided she was getting all the attention so i woke her at 3am by puking in my crate..i was good, i didn't get sick on da bed or in da carpet, i went into the crate and did my sez it was easy clean up. Mom had all kinds of plans made but he gave dem all up to be home for us and to give us extra cuddles while we are not feeling well.
barked by Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy around 9:11 AM 2 PAWments